Grilled Chicken Skewers & Feta Tzatziki. This dessert is delicious start to summer. Memorial Day Weekend is here (I know it’s only Thursday, but I am so ready). The grilled chicken skewers have that perfect char for added flavor. Paired with a ton, extra always, of whipped feta Tzatziki. Feta, yogurt and fresh grated cucumber will be your new summer go to.

Some weeks I am amazing at quarantining. This week was not one of those weeks. The photos for this one just killed me, but I hate not getting recipes out for you! I know a lot of you hate all the gibberish and stories in food blogger posts, but I want to keep it simple. If today you are finding yourself feeling not good enough and rushed and comparing yourselves to others, it’s OKAY. But take a breath. Remember that even if something has been done before it hasn’t been done by you.
Is stabbing chicken into a skewer and stuffing your face with addicting tzatziki about to change your life and doubts today? I have no idea how powerful my recipes truly are, so maybe. But if they can do anything at all, I hope it is get your mind off of life for a minute, enjoy the beautiful weather and share the table with family. Okay, the details on the cooking are below.
Grilling Chicken Skewers
This blog is written FOR the home cook, so I need to add a quick comment about grilling. You can grill, don’t fear it. If you can cook and control heat on your stove, you can do it on the grill. Like when using a skillet, wait for it to heat up before touching anything to it. Patience. It’s only a few minutes! Add your skewers to the grill grates & let cook 3-4 minutes.
Another grill tip: if your meat is sticking to the grill grate, let it sit for another minute. A tougher crust will form & it should lift right off.
Whipped Feta Tzatziki
The feta tzatziki is probably my favorite part of this meal. I think you will be making it all summer long with chicken, steak, on it’s own with some charred naan, veggies. Wow, as I type I am realizing the list goes on and on and our feta tzatziki has endless possibilities.
I really don’t have to give too much detail on cooking this one! It is simple with such a lovely combination of flavors. Grilled chicken with char and fresh oregano. Salty feta, tangy yogurt, and fresh cucumber with the spice of grated garlic. Not to mention the addition of naan bread thrown on the grill. I don’t have a recipe for naan yet, but I promise if you grab it for this dinner at the store you won’t be disappointed.
When you make these grilled chicken skewers, comment below! I hope you love them. Or tag me on Instagram @quartersoulcrisis.
[kindred-recipe id=”3907″ title=”Grilled Chicken Skewers w/ Whipped Feta Tzatziki”]
TaraSmith says
Hi Sam
Gillian and I made this tonight for dinner. It was delicious and was a hit with All. We love your recipes!!
Quarter Soul Crisis says
Thank you so much!!!